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   Meet Detroit Singles - Detroit Dating Personals

Meeting Detroit singles has never been this exciting. There are a large assortment of Internet dating web sites that can help you date nearby Detroit singles. This page provides singles statistics for Detroit, MI, the state of Michigan, and the whole United States of America. Plus we provide links to join some of the most popular Internet dating web sites that are outstanding places to date Detroit singles.

With 951,270 residents, there are lots of available singles in Detroit, MI. For those searching for detroit dating and to date detroit singles, you'll like to know that Detroit has 451,299 singles. The Detroit singles population is comprised of 195,218 single men and 256,081 single women.

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Detroit Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)451,299195,218256,081
Population (15 and older)698,253319,527378,726
Population (Total)951,270448,215503,055

Looking for Detroit, Michigan dating services? Online Detroit personals and Detroit dating services are where to start. Joining these popular dating services may be the best way to find local Detroit singles. They each have millions of eligible singles, so you are bound to find a perfect match in the Detroit, Michigan area.

Detroit, Michigan Population by Age

Ages 15-17*42,53221,29421,238
Ages 18-2040,01620,17619,840
Ages 21-2451,72625,40026,326
Ages 25-2973,63033,96839,662
Ages 30-39137,90463,47374,431
Ages 40-49133,68462,59771,087
Ages 50-5989,30940,45648,853
Ages 60-6956,88224,08532,797
Ages 70-8461,68424,91036,774
Ages 85+10,8863,1687,718

Detroit, MI Racial Demographics

Black or African American774,175
American Indian and Alaska Native3,273
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander211
Single Other Race24,611
Mixed Race21,814

Compare Detroit, MI singles statistics to the whole state.
Michigan State Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)3,475,5131,604,8191,870,694
Population (15 and older)7,775,6033,761,8814,013,722
Population (Total)9,938,4444,871,1615,067,283

Compare Detroit singles statistics to the whole US.
United States Singles Statistics
Singles (15 and older)96,148,17844,335,56651,812,612
Population (15 and older)221,148,671107,027,405114,121,266
Population (Total)281,421,906137,916,186143,505,720

Looking for the most compatible Detroit, MI singles? eHarmony has millions of members and helps you find the perfect mate using 29 personality dimensions. Joining eHarmony could be the best way to meet a mate in Detroit, Michigan.

*Many people in the 15-17 age group have begun dating and are interested in finding others their age to date. However, most online dating sites that we review have an 18 year old age requirement, and therefore 15-17 year olds cannot subscribe. Also, in many areas it is considered unethical and may be illegal for someone over 18 to have relations with someone under 18. We do not give legal advice, but recommend using common sense and good taste in dating, and consulting an expert if you have questions.

More Michigan Singles: Detroit MI Dating - Sterling Heights - Lansing Dating - Ann Arbor, MI - Clinton Singles - Westland Dating - Pontiac - Taylor Personals - Shelby, Michigan - West Bloomfield Township MI Dating - Royal Oak Singles - Dearborn Heights, Michigan - Battle Creek MI Dating - Roseville - Novi Singles - Madison Heights

Our web site is a helpful resource for finding detroit singles, detroit dating and detroit personals. In addition to the Detroit, MI singles data above, we have data on more than 25,000 different places. Search below to find local singles info for virtually any other places in Michigan or the entire US.

Online Dating Tip: Be Utterly Charming
If your date is going nicely, remember to give your date a few compliments. Compliment them on their clothing, on their appearance, on their wine selection, and so on. Everyone likes to get compliments, and this can help you to be more successful in dating Detroit singles.

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