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   Laura and Chad Dating Story is an exciting online singles site that is based on Christian values within a setting of a warm and inviting cafe. Christian Cafe's no nonsense sensibility is genuinely appealing to many of today's Christian singles. Take advantage of the many opportunities and excellent services available at the Christian Cafe to see the difference it can make in your life.

It certainly made a difference in Laura and Chad's life. Please read their wonderful success story about how they met online and how it led to the amazing relationship they have offline. May their success inspire us and their quest drives us to achieve our own relationship success story. We wish you the best in your dating endeavors. Please come back and share your online Christian dating success story with us and with other singles like yourself.

Laura and Chad Dating Story
Dating Success at Christian Cafe

I wanted to express my thanks for the service you provide in God's plans for meeting the persons with whom we are to spend our lives. I ran across your website while browsing the net early last July, and saw a beautiful woman with an amazing profile.

I filled out's extensive profile and then mailed her. We began mailing back and forth that day. We messaged back and forth the next night for about 6 hours, and we started talking on the phone the night following that.

Christian Cafe CoupleA week following our first email, I was sitting in a jewelry store to find out how much trouble I was in (smile!). We didn't meet in person for a month, as she lived in Michigan and I lived in Kansas City.

The time on the phone allowed us to get to know each other; few people get to do that before their first date. We knew before we met that we were going to marry each other, and it was reinforced by our comfort with each other when we were together that first time.

On November 1st, 2003 we were engaged, and were subsequently married on Valentine's Day this year in a beautiful ceremony.

Thank you for providing the medium for which we met. Nine months ago I had never been to Michigan, and now I live there with my beautiful bride. God Bless.

– Chad (Kansas City) and Laura-allsmiles830 (Michigan), April 2004

For more information on, read our Christian Cafe Review.

It's easy to get started in online dating. So get things rolling today by Joining Christian Cafe or reading our article on getting started in online dating.

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We're interested in publishing more online dating testimonials on Quality Singles. We'd love to hear from you if you have an online dating success story to share with our readers.

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